Bihar DElEd Admission: बिहार बोर्ड ने DElEd दाखिले के लिए अधिसूचना जारी की, आवेदन पर शुरू


Bihar Board has started the process of admission in D.El.Ed course. Applications have started from Friday. Last date is 15th February. Entrance examination will be conducted for enrollment on 30 thousand 750 seats in 306 D.El.Ed colleges of the state.

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You can apply online at The entrance examination is likely to be conducted online from March 6 to 12. Candidates can lodge objections on the answer key from 20th to 25th March. The result will be released in April.

At the same time, the process of first, second and third merit list and nomination, option locking, seat allotment, slideup etc. for enrollment in D.El.Ed colleges will be organized in May-June 2024. The nomination process will be completed by the end of June. The new session will start from July.

ये भी पढ़ें:- Bihar Board Exam: बिहार Board ने कई जिलों के परीक्षा केन्द्रों में किया बदलाव, नए एडमिट कार्ड जारी

The applicant candidate must have passed 12th class with 50% marks. (45 percent for reserved category). Students appearing in intermediate examination can also fill the form.

Fee – General, OBC, BC – Rs 960
SC, ST, Divyang – Rs 760

The committee has said that 50 percent of the total seats in all institutions will be reserved for science and 50 percent for arts and commerce candidates. 10 percent space will be reserved for Urdu subject candidates.

According to government rules, out of the total sanctioned seats, five percent horizontal reservation will be given to the disabled, five percent horizontal reservation will be given to the dependent son and unmarried daughter of serving, retired, deceased, ex-serviceman employee resident of Bihar state.

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