Bihar Board Exam: बिहार Board ने कई जिलों के परीक्षा केन्द्रों में किया बदलाव, नए एडमिट कार्ड जारी


Bihar Board Exam 2024: Bihar School Examination Board has changed 35 examination centers of Matriculation Board Exam 2024. The examination committee has said that the examination centers of Bhojpur, Siwan, Munger, Begusarai, Madhepura and Gopalganj districts have been changed due to unavoidable reasons.

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The already issued admit cards of the candidates of these districts have been canceled and new ones have been issued. The committee has said that students whose revised admit cards have been issued can collect it by going to their schools. It has to be received with signature and seal.

Bihar School Examination Board had released the time table for Intermediate and Matriculation board exams simultaneously. Intermediate examination is going on from 1st February. It will conclude on 12th February. Whereas the matriculation board examination will start from 15th February and will continue till 23rd February.

ये भी पढ़ें:- Bihar School News! पहली से पांचवीं तक 7 क्षेत्रीय भाषाओं में होगी पढ़ाई, शिक्षकों को मिलेगी ट्रेनिंग

Matriculation exam will be held in two shifts

Biha Board Matriculation examination will be conducted in two shifts. The examination will be held in the first shift from 9.30 am to 1.245 pm. Whereas in the second shift the examination will be held from 2 pm to 5.15 pm.

Will be able to take the exam wearing shoes and socks

This time Bihar Board has allowed students to take the exam wearing shoes and socks. Let us tell you that last year the board had banned giving the exam wearing shoes and socks.

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