Urfi Javed does something every day that keeps her in the news. She is often in the news because of her strange dress. Recently Urfi did something that fans were surprised to see her new look.
Urfi Javed is often seen on social media, her various strange dresses trend on social media. Recently, she came into the limelight due to her new face look rather than her dress. Whoever has seen Urfi recently, she looked quite different to them. Urfi herself has shared the reason for this on her Instagram page.
Chin fillers have been removed
Urfi also told her fans through Instagram that she has removed her chin filler. She was using chin filler for almost 9 years. Due to this, her chin used to look very sharp. But now Urfi is stopping using them. Due to not using filler, Urfi’s chin is now looking quite normal. Due to this, her face also looks quite changed.
Doubt about the new look
Urfi’s face looks changed now, so she is also a little doubtful about her new look. In a video shared on her Instagram, Urfi herself says, ‘I don’t know if I am looking good or not.’ On this, a person sitting with her says why are you thinking like this.
Fans also reacted
Now Urfi’s fans have also started reacting to her new face look. Some people think her face looks good, while some people think Urfi using fillers is right. In such a situation, her fans are divided into two parts.
A show was aired on Urfi’s life
Some time ago, a reality show ‘Follow Kar Lo Yaar’ was aired on Urfi’s life. In this, she showed her life. Along with this, she also shared many things related to her life and struggle. This show was also liked a lot by Urfi’s fans.