GST Evasion: GST फर्जीवाड़ा रोकने के लिए बंद होगी ये सर्विस, टैक्सपेयर्स पर भी पड़ेगा भारी


GST Evasion: Preparations are being made to crack down on those claiming fake GST refund and input tax credit. According to sources, the Central Government may withdraw the facility of making amendments or corrections in the GST return form.

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This step will be taken after cases of large-scale misuse of this amendment facility came to light. Recently, agencies investigating fraud in GST have come to know about these cases.

1,700 fake ITC cases worth Rs 18 thousand crore

It is noteworthy that these agencies have detected 1,700 fake ITC cases worth Rs 18 thousand crore in the current financial year (till December 2023). 98 fraudsters have been arrested in this regard. It is being told that the department solved these cases by analyzing data with the help of advanced technical equipment and detected tax evasion.

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Honest people will bear the brunt of the misdeeds of GST thieves

According to a leading business website, for the last several years, businessmen have been demanding the facility of revising and re-filing GST returns on the lines of the Income Tax Department. The government is also considering this, but given the small facility for revising returns, the way it was misused on a large scale by GST evaders, now the businessmen paying GST honestly may have to bear the brunt of it.

Facility to amend ITC claim now

At present, there is no facility to amend or correct the GST return once it is filed, but in view of the trouble it causes to the businessmen, the government has amended the GST Return Form-1 some time back. And introduced the facility to modify the claim of input tax credit in GST return Form 3B.

Now it is being said that the government may soon stop the facility of revising GST returns. However, tax experts say that closing this facility will increase the problems of businessmen.

Large scale GST fraud exposed: Actually, the government has been running a big campaign against GST evasion since May last year. The investigation has so far revealed GST evasion of more than Rs 44 thousand crore. Also, 29,273 bogus companies have been detected, through which GST was evaded by making fake GST bills.

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