Da Arrear Update: वित्त मंत्री को कर्मचारियों-पेंशनरों का 18 महीने का बकाया Da Arrear का मिला ये प्रस्ताव


New Delhi: Government employees and pensioners are waiting for their 18 months’ dues of Dearness Allowance (DA) and Dearness Relief (DR). Dearness allowance and dearness relief were stopped during the Corona epidemic.

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The central government had stopped the payment of DA and DR for 18 months from January 2020 to June 2021. Now Mukesh Singh, General Secretary of Bharatiya Immunity Mazdoor Sangh, has written a letter to Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman regarding this.

Earlier, Minister of State for Finance Pankaj Choudhary, in a reply in the Lok Sabha, had said that “the dues of DA/DR, which mostly relate to the challenging financial year 2020-21, the negative fiscal impact of the pandemic in 2020 and the welfare measures implemented by the government.” are not considered viable due to going beyond the budget of Rs.

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Financial situation is improving

Mukesh Singh has written in the letter that he fully appreciates the challenges caused by the Corona epidemic and the economic disruption caused by stopping the three installments of Dearness Allowance (DA) and Dearness Relief (DR) for the financial years 2020-21. Understand. However, now the country is slowly recovering from the impact of the epidemic.

It is heartening to see that the financial condition of the country is now improving.” He further writes that he wants to highlight the significant contribution made by all government employees and retired personnel during the challenging times of the pandemic. The dedication of the employees and The hard work was helpful in the smooth operation of essential services and the nation’s fight against Corona.

Now in view of the improved financial scenario and the important role played by the government employees, he requests to review the decision of releasing three installments of Dearness Allowance in the upcoming budget session.

What is dearness allowance?

Dearness allowance is an important part of the salary of government employees and pensioners. Its objective is to reduce the effect of inflation. To cope with rising inflation, effective salaries of government employees are revised from time to time. The Central Government revises DA twice every year in January and July.

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